Virtual Graffiti Australia Pty Ltd - Your Source for Technology, Security & Networking Solutions

Your Gateway to Unbreakable Communication

SMSEagle is a hardware & software solution that guarantees a swift delivery of your messages to designated recipients, whether it’s for notifications, alerts, or important updates. Discover SMSEagle to stay seamlessly connected.

What is Hardware SMS/MMS Gateway

A hardware SMS/MMS gateway is a dedicated device that enables businesses to send and receive SMS/MMS messages directly through cellular carriers. No need for 3rd party online services, Internet is not required. SMSEagle solutions offer enhanced control, reliability, and efficiency in SMS communication, making it ideal for various applications and industries.

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Works offline

Hardware SMS gateway do not depend on Internet connectivity. This ensures that critical messages are delivered even in offline/isolated environments.

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SMSEagle devices provide enhanced security by allowing organizations to maintain a full control over their communication, keeping sensitive information and data within their own infrastructure.

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Experts report that 95% of SMS texts are read within 5 minutes and responded to within 90 seconds. Recipients don’t need any additional app to receive SMS/MMS/voice messages.

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Cost control

Hardware SMS gateways can be cost-effective as they eliminate the recurring fees associated with online SMS gateway services. This makes them a cost-efficient solution for businesses with higher messaging volumes.

What are the basic differences between Hardware SMS Gateway and Online SMS Gateway (service in the cloud)?

Hardware SMS Gateway

Fixed Costs πŸ‘

Initial Investment πŸ‘Ž

Works Offline πŸ‘

Sensitive data security & privacy πŸ‘

Sentout speed 30 – 240 / min πŸ‘Ž

API integration πŸ‘

Multiple features & automations πŸ‘

Custom features πŸ‘

Easily integrated via Email To SMS πŸ‘

High security πŸ‘

Sender ID cannot be changed πŸ‘Ž

Online SMS Gateway

πŸ‘Ž    Pricing per each sent SMS

πŸ‘    No initial investment

πŸ‘Ž    Doesn’t work offline

πŸ‘Ž    Dependent on the provider’s security measures

πŸ‘    Doesn’t have limitations

πŸ‘    API integration

πŸ‘Ž    Limited features & automations

πŸ‘Ž    Does not offer advanced software


πŸ‘Ž    Some services have this in the offer, some do not

πŸ‘Ž    Limited security

πŸ‘    Sender ID can be changed while making

         Two-way communication impossible

SMSEagle Products

Your Gateway to Unbreakable Communication

Single Modem series


Single Modem is a base series that can send/receive SMS with throughput of max. 30 SMS/min. Ideal choice for communication in environments where the number of messages is low to moderate. The device can be connected in a device failover cluster for highest reliability and availability.

Single Modem series
Dual Modem series

Dual Modem series


Dual Modem is a 2-modem series that can send/receive SMS with throughput of max. 60 SMS/min. The ideal choice for communication in environments where the number of messages is moderate. Compared to the single modem, dual modem series offers additional modem failover and other multi-modem features for higher reliability and throughput. The device can be connected in a device failover cluster for highest reliability and availability.

Eight Modem (PRO) series


Eight Modem is a PRO series that can send/receive SMS with a max throughput of 240 SMS/min. The ideal choice for communication in environments where the number of messages is moderate to high. Compared to the single modem, eight modem series offers increased throughput, additional modem failover, and other multi-modem features for higher reliability and throughput. The device can be connected in a device failover cluster for the highest reliability and availability.

Eight Modem (PRO) series


Voice (Calls) feature

Voice (Calls) feature

Software upgrade with Calls feature for NXS-97XX-4G/5G and MHD-8100-4G line of devices. The upgrade enables wake-up calls & text-to-speech calls *. This feature is ideal for delivering urgent messages or announcements, such as alerts, emergency notifications, or other time-sensitive information.

Antenna 4G

Antenna 4G

Omnidirectional GSM/UMTS/LTE antenna suitable for places with low GSM/3G/4G signal reception. Cable length: 3m

Antenna 4G External 10m

Antenna 4G External 10m

Outdoor GSM/UMTS/LTE antenna suitable for places with low GSM/3G/4G signal reception

Antenna 5G/4G/3G 4in1

Antenna 5G/4G/3G 4in1

4 antennas in 1 enclosure – suitable for places with low 3G/4G/5G signal reception. Recommended for MHD-8100-4G device. Cable length: 2m.

Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor

High quality probe with temperature sensor for SMSEagle NXS-97xx Rev.3+ devices. Probe enclosed in a sealed and waterproof stainless steel housing. The purpose of the probes is to facilitate temperature measurement and SMS alerting.

Water Leak Sensor

Water Leak Sensor

Industrial-grade water leak sensor/flood detector is IP66 rated, waterproof & dustproof. When the sensor detects a leakage, it will trigger a defined SMS message via SMSEagle to notify of potential danger.

Let's Get Started!

SMSEagle is a professional hardware SMS gateway
for sending and receiving SMS messages.

lets get started